Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Post #4 Conflict and Resolution

Learning Goal:  To identify the main conflict of the plot and the way it is resolved.
Please read pages 2-3 of our blue Holt Elements of Literature textbook for more information about conflict.  According to our textbook:
A conflict is a struggle.  It is a problem the character is trying to deal with or a goal the character is trying to reach. The author tells us about the conflict at the beginning of the story in the exposition. 
Rising action plot events are events in the story where the character takes action to solve the conflict. 
The climax of a story is the most exciting moment of the story.  This is the point where you find out how the conflict will soon be resolved.
In the final part of the plot, the character’s problems are solved one way or another.  We say that the conflict is resolved.
1.       Describe the main conflict of the story.
2.       Describe the climax of the story. Include page numbers or chapter numbers.
3.       Describe where the conflict is resolved.  Include page numbers or chapter numbers.


  1. The main conflict in the story is Tally trying to decide if she wants to turn in the smokies with the heart pendant. The climax is page 180-182 when she burns the pendant and that leads to the specials coming. The conflict is resolved on page 425 when she gives herself up to be pretty so she can test the cure.
    Madddie 2nd period.

  2. The conflict of the story is when tally is forced to go to the smoke, but then she changes her mind ,and gets the smokies in trouble. The climax of the story is when tally and david are saveing the smokies. The conflict is resolved on page 425 when tally becomes pretty to test the antidote to save the others from the brain damage. stephanie 2nd block

  3. Be careful girls!Stepanie-- your first sentence seems to be about a plot event. A conflict is a struggle. It is a problem the character is trying to deal with or a goal the character is trying to reach. The author tells us about the conflict at the beginning of the story in the exposition.

    Maddie- I agree that she does struggle with the decision to turn in the Smoke-- but this is not a major conflict that she dealsl with from beginning to end.

  4. the conflict is tally vs. special circumstances and that starts at the end of the first quarter and it is resolved when tally saves her friendsn and then runs away

  5. tally vs. special circumstances
    this is a person vs. person conflict

  6. the main conflict if the story is when tally is trying to decide whether to turn in the smoke or not to dr. cable. the climax is when all the specials invade the smoke. part 3 in the book. conflict is resolved when tally rescues her friends. and the new smoke begins.

    anna s.

  7. The conflict i think is when tally has to betray shay or never turn pretty. The rising action is when she decides to betray shay and the smoke the climax is when she activates the pendant by accident and special circumstances come the falling action is when david and tally look for the special circumstances and the resolution is tally turning pretty to protect the prettys from the lesions. jessica m. period one

  8. I think the conflict is when Tally likes the Smoke, so she throws away the pendent-which accidentally made the Specials come. The climax is on the beginning of Part Three on pg. 285 because everyone is dazed from the attack and Tally trys to resist after what she realized she had done. The resolution is on pg. 414 when she tells them that she will take the anti-lesion pills because she wants to make it up to them.

  9. The main confilct begins to happen when Shay turns 'pretty' and she gets the leisons, but maddy tries to give her the pills to get rid of them, but she is being uncoperative, this is where you see the conflict because they all fight

    ~Evan M

  10. the conflict is when Tally has to decide if she wants to become pretty or turn Shay in so she can become pretty.
